The Affective Piety of Lady Brilliana Harley:
Domestic Courage in an Age of Revolution

A conversation with Michael A. G. Haykin,
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Redeemer University, Ancaster, ON Thursday, April 25th, 2:00 – 4:00 EST

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The indomitable Brilliana Harley (1598-1643) is usually remembered for her spirited defence of Brampton Bryan castle, the family home of the Harleys in Herefordshire, during a Royalist siege in the first phase of the English Civil War in the summer of 1643. But she is also the author of a large body of letters, primarily written to her son Edward Harley during his time at Oxford University from 1638 to 1642, constituting a largely unexplored mine of Puritan piety.

This talk will outline her life and explore some of the main contours of her
Puritan piety as found in this epistolary corpus, notably how affective tones
marked her expression of this piety.

For more information on Brilliana Harley:

Jenny-Lynn de Klerk: A Reflection on the Life of Lady Brillana Harley
Julia Covelli, “House and Children” Lady Brilliana Harley and the Expansion
of Domestic Agency” BA thesis, Department of English, Pennsylvania State
University, 2010.

The Creative Team

Michael A. G. Haykin is Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality and Director of The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also has appointments at Redeemer University College in Ancaster and Heritage College and Theological Seminary in Cambridge, ON.

He is the general editor of The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller. This project publishes "a modern critical edition of the entire corpus of Andrew Fuller's published and unpublished works." Though Haykin was trained as a Patristic scholar, he has also established himself as a leading scholar on 18th-century British evangelicalism, particularly the English Particular Baptist history and spirituality. 

Haykin is a prolific writer who has authored numerous books, articles, and reviews. He is also an accomplished editor with numerous editorial credits. In 2018, Haykin was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in recognition of his contributions to historical scholarship. Michael shares his vast knowledge of church history through frequent posts to his substack, Historia Ecclesiastica.