SEPTEMBER 14TH, 2:00 – 4:00 EST

Biblical Stewardship vs. Extreme Environmentalism

A conversation with Dan Janzen

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Speaker Bio

Dan Janzen has served full-time for the past seven years with CTEN (Commission to Every Nation) on development work in South Sudan, one of the poorest countries in the world.

His work has helped local missionaries in Sudan to support themselves and has built up the capacity of the local churches, even the poorest of the poor, to engage to their full extent in the work of Christian ministry.

A key to Dan’s success comes from the training he gives in godly governance and biblically-based economic principles. These principles help free up time and money for ministry, volunteer work, evangelism, discipleship, and justice ministry. Dan’s training moves people away from dependency, and entitlement, and beyond the low goals of subsistence, and meager “sustainability” towards godly motivation, and virtues that result in individual and societal prosperity. This prosperity in turn is used to bless others in strategic ways by solving the most important and relevant societal problems and initiating mission efforts and revival movements focused on Christ-centered transformation. Dan has an MAg in International Agricultural Development and Extension Education

Dan’s wife Teresa serves in ministry with him. She is completing her Ph.D. degree at Fuller Theological, focusing on adaptive leadership. She is a professional writer, publisher, counselor in trauma healing and oral Bible train-the-trainer. Dan and Teresa are blessed with 8 children and 13 grandchildren.

Topic Overview 

As an agriculturalist working in one of the least developed nations in the world, Dan offers a unique perspective on development issues and environmental problems. His research has also found a disturbing trend among Christians to accept tenets of extreme environmentalism which undermine the Great Commission. In this talk, Dan will explore the contrasting worldview of extreme environmentalism and the biblical vision of stewardship.

Patrick Moore, the founder of Greenpeace, recently expressed his growing disillusionment with the modern environmental movement, by noting that it had fallen into maniacal antihuman and sometimes genocidal thinking that was spurred on, not by science or logic, but by an ideology of class warfare. This ideology is driven by four core beliefs: (1) hatred of the white-privileged male with his exploitative corporations; (2) a view that the ecosystem is being systematically destroyed through man’s chemical applications and development activities; (3) a view that the earth is endangered because it has never been subjected to evolution under those types of pressures before; and (4) a commitment to the deep ecology environmentalist view that the earth is fragile and must be protected and preserved in its pristine state free from intrusive development. In this world view, we should aim for zero population growth; or better yet, aim to reduce the earth’s population due to problems of scarcity. This in essence is the religious belief system of the extreme environmentalists.

In contrast, a Christian worldview holds that it is our responsibility to be stewards and maximize blessing through the development of resources for the benefit of all to the glory of God. In this conversation, Dan will show that all satellite evidence shows that the earth is greening substantially and 70% of that greening comes from the “fertilizer effect” of CO2 increases. That the earth had very productive periods even warmer than today in the past. This change in mindset toward a Christian worldview, coupled with best management practices in the context of climate resilience instead of climate change, should be our focus. Dan offers a compelling vision of human ingenuity, shaped within a Christian worldview, that can greatly outpace population growth in perpetuity and raise the quality of life for all.

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